Ways to Improve Sleep With Tinnitus

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If you live with tinnitus, getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging. Especially when you’re lying awake at night listening to the ringing sound in the silence is all too common. Activities that distract you from the ringing can also keep you awake long after you should be racking up hours of good sleep. Fortunately, you’re not the first to tackle the challenge of sleeping with tinnitus, and the technology available to help has been improving every year.

If you are looking for a way on how to stop ringing in your ears at night and finally get a good night’s sleep, MetroHearing can help with a few tips to rebuild your sleep environment and routine.

#1: Use a Better Sound Masking Strategy

Sound masking is one of the best ways to deal with tinnitus that is always there. However, choosing the right sound masking strategy is essential for quality sleep. Putting on the television or radio can cause distractions that keep you from sleeping or disturb your sleep, and just one white noise may stop working over time. Sound masking can cover distracting noises and dilute the ringing in your ears to help you sleep more effectively with tinnitus.

We suggest exploring white noise apps that provide a range of ambient and nature sounds to help mask tinnitus during your sleep hours.

#2: Structure a Relaxing Evening Routine

A proper sleep routine not only helps you relax before bed but can also train your brain to fall asleep at the right time – despite the tinnitus symptoms you may be experiencing. Go to bed at the same time every night to habituate your mind. Darken your room, lower the temperature, and turn up your white noise before bed. Minimize screen time an hour or so before you sleep, and do something relaxing like a warm bath or listening to an audio book to help you wind down. A bedtime snack can also help if you choose something soothing.

If you do the same things every night, doing these things can also help your mind wind down for sleep as part of the pattern.

#3: Adjust Your Diet & Reduce Caffeine Intake

Dietary choices can sometimes improve tinnitus, and sleep quality is undoubtedly affected by what you consume before bed. Reduce caffeine intake, especially at night, and look for foods high in potassium and zinc, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding inflammation-inducing foods can also help with many common causes or triggers of tinnitus.

#4: Avoid Common Causes of Tinnitus

You can also avoid daily activities to reduce the risk of ringing in your ears at night. For example, it’s best to avoid earbuds and earplugs as these can agitate the inside of your ear. Reduce your daily stress and keep inflammation in check to avoid daily triggers. Protect your ears from damage around loud noises during the day and keep your music turned low most of the time.

If you experience tinnitus lying down at certain angles, you might try piled or angled pillows to optimize the pressure in your ears when you sleep.

#5: Make an Appointment With an Audiologist

If tinnitus is bothering you or interrupting your sleep quality, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to see an audiologist. Diagnosing your tinnitus and identifying your triggers can help build a better sleep solution. A hearing test is a great start to reclaiming your sleep.

Working with your audiologist, you can reduce the ringing in your ears to improve how fast you fall asleep, how long you stay asleep, and your overall quality of sleep so that you can finally feel rested despite sleeping with tinnitus. At MetroHearing, we know that sleep is essential and tinnitus can be a real challenge. We’re here to help.

Tinnitus & Audiologist Services in Phoenix

Sleeping with tinnitus doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Ringing in your ears at night can be masked by a textured white noise, reduced by certain lifestyle choices, and overall you will be able to get quality sleep again.

MetroHearing can help, starting with a hearing test to identify the source and potential solutions for your tinnitus symptoms. Contact us today to learn more.


 Image Credit:  Damir Khabirov/Shutterstock