Custom Hearing Aids

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There are many types of custom hearing aids which can be made and fit specifically to your ear, including styles such as  IIC, CIC, ITC, HS, and ITE. They come in a variety of sizes from the smallest IIC (invisible in canal) to the ITE (in the ear). The process starts by making an ear mold is made of each ear and sending it to a lab to build the outer shell of the customized hearing aid. This is done by scanning the impression into a computer, designing the shell to accommodate the hearing aid computer, microphone, speaker, battery etc., and then sending it to a machine to “print” the shell. The hearing aid components are then assembled, tested and shipped to the audiologist for programming. The larger styles are generally more powerful than the smaller styles, but the smallest IIC style is not visible to others while the larger custom styles are low profile but visible. Custom aids are a good option for many types of hearing loss. If you would like to speak with an audiologist regarding getting fitted for a custom hearing aid, get in touch with one of our offices throughout Arizona and schedule an appointment with an audiologist near you.


Custom Hearing Aids Can Reduce the Impact of Hearing Loss

Few things are as isolating as being among friends and family who are obviously enjoying a story and not being able to hear any of it. It can be a difficult journey for someone to realize that they need a custom hearing aid, even if they are aware that they cannot hear normally anymore. Whether it is an aging parent or a younger person who has noise-induced hearing loss, it can be difficult to take the plunge and find an audiologist near you.


Why People Avoid Hearing Aids

  • Denial
  • Pride
  • Discomfort
  • Expense

There are many reasons people procrastinate having their hearing checked. They may tell themselves that they are not old enough to have hearing problems or that the hearing loss isn’t that bad. They may be embarrassed for anyone to see the hearing aid or worried that it will be uncomfortable to wear. Finally, many older patients may not realize that the cost can be defrayed with Medicare.


Advantages of Custom Hearing Aids

The first and most impactful reason to consider custom hearing aids is that they are made specifically for you and you only. They are molded to the exact unique shape of your ear so that they are more comfortable than off-the-shelf models. The careful testing performed by our audiologists ensures that you get the appropriate level of amplification for your hearing level. The quality of sound in custom hearing aids can be superior to other non-custom models, as well.

Since one of the reasons that some people avoid hearing aids is the visibility, having custom hearing aids can help alleviate that insecurity. They can be very small when situated in the ear canal and virtually invisible to see. Even the larger molded models can be unobtrusive and may be almost unnoticeable for people with longer hair. Combined with the ease of putting them on and removing them, custom hearing aids can be the ideal solution for reluctant patients.


Adjusting to a Custom Hearing Aid

When anyone has endured any sensory degeneration, they have adjusted to their new normal. It can be disarming to suddenly hear sounds that you haven’t heard in a while. The first rule in getting used to a hearing aid is to give your brain time to acclimate to your new hearing comprehension. Most patients take only around one month to adapt to their new hearing aid.

A critical step in adjusting to your new custom hearing aid is to set realistic expectations. A hearing aid, while miraculous, can never exactly replicate what the ear does naturally. Once you know what to expect, relax and give yourself time to experience the joy of hearing again. MetroHearing has a ton of options when it comes to hearing aids. You can select a popular brand and style, or have us create a custom hearing aid for you. Contact us today to learn more.