Hearing loss can effect anyone at any age. In Phoenix, there are hearing tests that are performed by professional audiologists at all of the Metro Hearing locations to determine if hearing loss is present. There are different types of Phoenix hearing tests that can be done to evaluate hearing and diagnose the cause of the hearing loss, the degree and configuration of hearing loss, whether the loss is in one or both ears, and the best options for treatment.
Common Types of Hearing Tests Performed by Audiologists:
If you think you are dealing with hearing loss, a good place to start is our free online hearing test. If this points to the fact that you are potentially suffering from hearing loss, you’ll want to schedule further testing with one of our audiologists. They will likely utilize one of the below hearing testing methods.
Preliminary Hearing Test
A preliminary test, or ‘hearing screening,’ may be performed initially. It’s a quick and cost-effective way to check hearing before further testing is done unnecessarily. Hearing screenings are what you may remember first partaking in back in grade school. More formally known as Pure Tone Testing, this test determines the faintest tones a person can hear at various pitches or frequencies on a scale from low to high. While wearing earphones, the patient is asked to respond if and when they hear each sound.
Hearing Evaluation (SRT)
If an initial screening determines that more examining is required, an audiologist will do a complete hearing evaluation. This will entail extensive hearing tests that study hearing loss on a deeper level. An audiologist will conduct a listening and speech test called Speech Reception Threshold, or SRT, in either a quiet or noisy environment. The test records word recognition, the faintest speech that can be heard and the patient’s ability to correctly repeat back what they’ve heard. The information from this test is especially helpful with older adults, whose most common complaint is having difficulty understanding speech amidst background noise.
Tympanometry Testing
Tympanometry tests, where air pressure is pushed into the ear canal, may also be done. Here, the middle ear is measured and examined to detect if any fluid or wax is blocking the ear canal. Another test called Auditory Brainstem Response, or ABR, examines the cochlea (inner ear) and determines if hearing loss is originating from the hearing pathways from the brain. The patient doesn’t have to do anything but rest. It’s painless, similar to an EKG of the heart, except the electrodes are placed on the head.
Schedule Hearing Tests With an Audiologist
If you believe that you’re experience some level of hearing loss, be sure to schedule an appointment with an audiologist at one of our Metro Hearing audiology offices throughout the Phoenix Valley.